How Mindworks' Playable Ads Boosted Loadcomplete’s Performance


Traditional user acquisition (UA) methods can fall short for some mid-core and hardcore game developers. Showcasing game mechanics and features with static ads or videos can be difficult to pull off, hampering growth potential.

High-quality playable ads are the answer to this tough challenge. Playable ads offer users a hands-on experience with the core gameplay and features all in one ad, allowing them to try out the game before they download it.

A recent success story from Mindworks, Mintegral's creative studio, demonstrates the effectiveness of playable ads. We partnered with Loadcomplete, a Korean game developer, to create customized playable ads for Legend of Slime: Idle RPG War. Compared to using video ads alone, playable ads led to an impressive improvement in UA performance for Legend of Slime:


30% to 40% increase                    30% to 40% increase

 in D1 ROAS                                      in D7 ROAS

What are playable ads, and how can you utilize them to improve the UA performance of mid-core and hardcore games? Let’s take a look.

Why Playable Ads are the Game Changer for Midcore & Hardcore Game UA

Playable ads are interactive ad formats that let users experience core gameplay or features before downloading the app or game. These mini-games typically last 15 seconds to a minute and end with a Call-to-Action (CTA) end card to drive conversions.

But how do playable ads specifically address the challenges faced by midcore and hardcore game advertisers?

Pain Points Solved

  • Multi-faceted Showcase: Midcore and hardcore games boast richer gameplay and more intricate mechanics compared to casual titles. Playable ads allow users to experience a wider range of the game's highlights within the ad itself, offering a more comprehensive experience than a traditional video ad.

  • Technological Depth: The complex visuals and detailed environments of mid-core and hardcore games can be difficult to capture in video. Mindworks utilizes various technologies like 2D, 3D, and panoramic views to showcase key scenes and designs effectively within playable ads.

  • Enhanced Optimization: Playable ads offer a significant advantage in terms of production efficiency. Unlike video ads, playable creatives can be easily optimized without the need for constant rendering and exporting. This allows for faster iteration and testing.

  • Playturbo's Efficiency Boost: Mindworks' Playturbo platform streamlines the playable ad creation process. Users can edit elements and parameters directly on the platform, and export the final playable ad with a single click. This significantly reduces production time and resources.

How Loadcomplete Leveraged Playables to Boost UA Efforts for Legend of Slime: Idle RPG War

Founded in 2009, Loadcomplete is a South Korean game developer dedicated to creating unique and engaging experiences for players worldwide. With over 25 published titles they've built a successful portfolio that delights players all over the world.

One of Loadcomplete's most popular games is Legend of Slime: Idle RPG War. This mid-core title blends idle and combat arena gameplay. It boasts over 18 million downloads across Google Play and the App Store, a testament to its true appeal.

To elevate the user experience and highlight key features, Loadcomplete partnered with Mindworks for customized creative development in August 2023. Mindworks' creative solutions effectively improved user engagement and boosted the UA performance of Legend of Slime: Idle RPG War.

Breaking Down Loadcomplete's Ad

Core gameplay focus

This creative highlights the ability to upgrade multiple characters. This detail allows players to experiment with different character combinations, creating a more engaging battle experience.

Simplified mechanics and lower difficulty

To boost player engagement, the Mindworks team streamlined the core gameplay mechanics, making battles faster and more exciting. Additionally, clear in-game tutorials guide players through the process, helping to reduce frustration. This experience, where players can quickly experience the thrill of victory encourages users to download.

Improving player feedback throughout the experience

Empowering users with instant feedback on increased power through audiovisual effects, letting them take control and make strategic decisions in the heat of the game, creates even more excitement.

Mind Works